Filtering is the way the request XML packet indicates the object (one or several subdomains) to which the operation will be applied. Parameters nested in the filter node are called filtering rule.

The filter node is presented by the SubdomainFilterType complex type (subdomain.xsd). This data type is structured as follows:

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  • The id node is optional. It specifies subdomain ID in Plesk database. Data type: id_type.
  • The name node is optional. It specifies full subdomain name (including parent site name). Data type: string.
  • The parent-name node is optional. It specifies a name of site/subdomain on which the subdomain is created. Data type: string.

A subdomain can be filtered by either id node, name node or parent-name node. The same is true if several subdomains are filtered by their IDs, names or parent names with one filter node. However, using different nodes within the same filter node is prohibited.

To apply requested operation to all subdomains, use the blank (<filter/>) filter node. For example, a packet that retrieves the information about all subdomains looks as follows:
