The gen_info node is used in the get response packets. It is defined by complex type siteGenInfoType (site.xsd) and holds a collection of common settings.

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  • cr_date, required

    It holds the creation date of the specified site. Data type: date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.

  • name, required

    It holds the site name displayed in Plesk. Data type: string.

  • ascii-name, required

    It holds the site name in ASCII format. Data type: string.

  • status, required

    It holds the current status of the specified site. Data type: objectStatus (plesk_common.xsd). Allowed values:

    • 0 (active)
    • 1 (suspended)
    • 2 (suspended because of the parent object)
    • 4 (suspended because of being backed up/restored)
    • 8 (the web service is temporarily suspended)
    • 16 (suspended by the Administrator)
    • 32 (suspended by a reseller)
    • 64 (suspended by a customer)
    • 256 (suspended due to expiration)

    Plesk can combine the statuses above by summing up their codes. For example, the status code 272 is equal to the sum of 256 and 16. It means that the domain was suspended by the Administrator and expired at the same time.

  • real_size, required

    It holds the actual size of the site (in bytes). For details on how the actual size is calculated, see the Administrator’s Guide. Data type: unsignedLong.

  • dns_ip_address, optional

    It holds the IP address shown in DNS records. Data type: ip_address (common.xsd).

  • htype, required

    It specifies the type of hosting set on the site. Data type: string. Allowed values: vrt_hst | std_fwd | frm_fwd | none.

  • guid, required

    It contains the site GUID. Data type: string. For details on GUIDs, refer to the GUIDs Overview section.

  • webspace-guid, optional

    Specifies a GUID of an associated subscription. Data type: string.

  • sb-site-uuid, optional

    Specifies a GUID of an associated Presence Builder site. Data type: string.

  • webspace-id, required

    Specifies a website ID.

  • description, optional

    Specifies the description of a site. Data type: string.

  • turn-off-action, optional

    If the site is not active, this node specifies if a site is disabled or suspended. Data type: string. Allowed values: disable, suspend.

The following sample demonstrates how the general information can be presented:
