A reseller plan can specify IP pool settings for resellers created with a reseller plan. A reseller IP pool can contain a set of shared and exclusive IP addresses. A shared IP address is selected from Plesk server IP pool, and an exclusive IP address is created for a reseller.

IP pool settings for resellers created with a reseller plan are specified by the ip-pool node which is presented by the ResellerTemplateIpPoolType complex type (reseller-template.xsd).

The ip-pool node is structured as follows:

image 60470

  • The ip-address node is optional. It specifies IP address available in Plesk server IP pool that is to be shared by resellers created with a reseller plan. Data type: ip_address (common.xsd).
  • The allocate-ip node is optional. It specifies the maximum number of exclusive IP addresses from the server IP pool that can be used by a reseller. Data type: integer.

The following request packet creates a reseller plan and sets IP pool settings for it:
