Converting Resellers into Customers
The convert-to-customer operation is used to convert a reseller into a customer.
Resellers without subscriptions are converted to customers without subscriptions. Only contact information and login credentials are preserved; all resource allotments are reset.
Each subscription of the newly converted customer account is either subscribed to a specified service plan, or becomes a custom subscription inheriting all settings of a reseller subscription, except in cases when a subscription had unlimited resources but they were limited for the reseller account. In such cases, each subscription is allocated the amount of resources that remain unused by the reseller account.
Request Packet Structure
A request XML packet that switches a reseller account to a different reseller plan includes the convert-to-customer operation node:
The convert-to-customer node has the following graphical representation:
- The filter node is required. It specifies a filtering rule.
Data type: ResellerSelectionFilter (
) . For more information on filters, refer to the Available Filters section. - The plan-name node is optional. It specifies the plan name. Data type: string.
Request Sample
A request packet that converts a reseller account with ID 5 into a customer looks as follows:
<plan-name>Default Domain</plan-name>
Response Packet Structure
The convert-to-customer node of the output XML packet is structured as follows:
- The result node is required. It wraps the response retrieved
from the server. Data type: ResultFilterType
). - The status node is required. It specifies the execution status of the operation. Data type: string. Allowed values: ok | error.
- The errcode node is optional. It is used to return the error code when the operation fails. Data type: unsignedInt.
- The errtext node is optional. Can be used to return the error message if the operation fails. Data type: string.
- The filter-id node is optional. It is required if the operation succeeds. Returns a filtering rule. For information about filters, refer to the Available Filters section. Data type: anySimple.
- The id node is optional. It is required if the operation succeeds. Returns the unique identifier of a reseller account. Data type: integer.
Response Sample
A positive response can look as follows: