Available Filters
Filtering is the way the request XML packet indicates the object to which an operation will be applied. The request XML packet filters objects using a special <filter> section. Parameters, nested in the filter node are called filtering rule. A filter contains as many different filtering rule types as the number of different parameters nested in the XML presentation of the filter node. A single operation can use only parameters of the same type in the filtering rule.
ProtectedDirFilter Filter
The ProtectedDirFilter filter is used in delete, set and
get operations. For more information on the operations, refer to the
Removing Protected Directory, Changing Protected
Directory Properties, Retrieving Protected Directory
Properties sections. Data type: ProtectedDirFilter
). The graphical representation of the filter
node is as follows:
- The id node is optional. It specifies the ID of the protected directory. Data type: integer.
- The site-id node is optional. It specifies the ID of the site containing protected directories. Use this parameter to match all protected directories of a specific site. Data type: integer.
- The site-name node is optional. It specifies the name of the site containing the protected directories. Use this parameter to match all protected directories of a specific site. Data type: string.
You can match protected directories for multiple sites as in the following example:
You can match multiple protected directories by IDs as in the following example:
Note: Use the blank filter (<filter/>) to match all protected directories available for a packet sender.
ProtectedDirUserFilter Filter
The ProtectedDirUserFilter filter is used in delete-user,
set-user and get-user operations. For more information on the
operations, refer to the Removing Protected Directory
User, Changing Protected Directory User
Settings, Retrieving Protected Directory User
Settings sections. Data type: ProtectedDirUserFilter
). The graphical representation of the filter
node is as follows:
- The pd-id node is optional. It specifies the ID of the protected directory. Data type: integer.
- The id node is optional. It specifies the protected directory user ID. Data type: integer.
You can match multiple protected directory users by IDs as in the following example:
You can match multiple protected directories by IDs as in the following example:
Note: Use the blank filter (<filter/>) to match all protected directory users available for a packet sender.
filter-id Node
If an operation uses filters in a request packet, the filter-id node is nested in a response packet. It returns the filtering rule parameter. If one of the following values was set as a filter rule, it is returned in the filter-id node of the response packet.
- ID of a protected directory
- ID of a protected directory user
- site ID
- site name
It is done to trace the request parameters in case of an error. Data type: anySimple.
Note: If a request packet uses blank filter (<filter/>), the ID of the object affected by the operation will be is set as the value for the filter-id node. The object ID is the protected directory ID for operations on protected directories, and it is the protected directory user ID for operations on the users.
All operations except for the add and add-user possess the filter-id node in the response packet.