Use the get-db operation to retrieve the following database preferences:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Subscription ID
  • Database server ID
  • Default database user ID

Request Packet Structure

A request XML packet retrieving database parameters includes the get-db operation node:


The get-db node is presented by type DatabaseGetDBInputType (database_input.xsd), and its graphical representation is as follows:

image 37599

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all request packets is available here:

  • The filter node is required. Specifies the filtering rule. For more information, refer to the Available Filters section. Data type: DatabaseFilterType (database_input.xsd) .


You can retrieve information on multiple databases using a single packet. Add as many get-db operations as the number of different filtering rules (you can either filter by ID, webspace-id, or by webspace-name).


Response Packet Structure

The get-db node of the output XML packet is presented by type DatabaseGetDBOutputType (database_output.xsd) and structured as follows:

image 34436

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all response packets is available here:

  • The result node is required. It wraps the response retrieved from the server. Data type: resultType (common.xsd).
  • The status node is required. It specifies the execution status of the get-db operation. Data type: string. Allowed values: ok | error.
  • The errcode node is optional. Is returns the error code if the get-db operation fails. Data type: integer.
  • The errtext node is optional. It returns the error message if the get-db operation fails. Data type: string.
  • The filter-id node is optional. It returns the filtering rule parameter. For more information, refer to the Available Filters section.
  • The name node is required. It specifies the database name. Data type: string.
  • The type node is required. It specifies the database type. MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server are available in Plesk for Windows. MySQL and PostgreSQL types are available in Plesk for Unix. Data type: string. Allowed values: mssql | mysql | postgresql.
  • The webspace-id node is optional. It is required if the get-db operation succeeds. It specifies the ID of the subscription on which a database is added. Data type: integer.
  • The db-server-id node is optional. It is required if the get-db operation succeeds. It specifies the ID of the database server on which a database will be created. This node is required only in Plesk for Linux. Data type: integer.
  • The default-user-id node is optional. It is required if the get-db operation succeeds. It specifies the ID of the default database user. Data type: integer.


Retrieving database parameters

This packet retrieves information on a database with ID 5.




 Retrieving parameters of multiple databases

This packet retrieves information on all databases added to the, subscriptions and to the subscription specified by ID 45.


Response (when one database was found on subscription, the subscription with ID 45 and subscription were not found):

                <errtext>Domain does not exist</errtext>
                <errtext>Domain does not exist</errtext>

Response (when two or more databases are found on the specified ):
