The get-packages-list operation is used to retrieve information on application packages available for installation on domains/subdomains.

Request Packet Structure

A request XML package that retrieves the list of applications available for installation on domains/subdomains should include the get-packages-list operation node:


The get-packages-list node is structured as follows:

image 66933.gif

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all request packets is available here:

  • filter, required

    Filters the packages whose information should be retrieved. Data type: none.

    If specified empty, then information on all APS Packages available on the server will be returned in response packet.

  • package-id, optional

    Specifies the ID of a package whose information should be retrieved. Data type: id_type (common.xsd).

  • all, required

    Retrieves the list of applications from APS catalog and applications installed on the server.

Response Packet Structure

The get-packages-list node of the output XML packet is structured as follows:

image 63561

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all response packets is available here:

  • result, required

    Wraps the response retrieved from the server. Data type: resultType (common.xsd).

  • status, required

    Specifies the execution status of the operation. Data type: string. Allowed values: ok | error.

  • errcode, required if the operation fails

    Returns the error code. Data type: integer.

  • errtext, required if the operation fails

    Returns the error message. Data type: string.

  • filter-id, required if the operation succeeds

    Returns the package ID by which the operation was filtered. Data type: any.

  • id, optional

    Not returned.

  • package, required if the operation succeeds

    Holds a collection of data describing the package. Data type: APSIdentifierType (aps.xsd).

    Structured as follows:

    image 69080

  • name, required

    Specifies the application package name. Data type: string.

  • version, optional

    Specifies the application version.Data type: string.

  • release, optional

    Specifies the package release.Data type: string.

  • vendor, optional

    Specifies the application vendor. Data type: string.

  • packager, optional

    Specifies the application packager. Data type: string

  • is_uploaded, optional

    Specifies whether a package is uploaded to the server manually by the Administrator (not from Application Catalog). Data type: string

  • is_visible, optional

    Specifies if a package is visible to customers and resellers. Data type: string

  • global_settings_not_set, optional Specifies whether the application has global settings that require configuration. Data type: string

  • id, required

    Specifies the ID of the package assigned to it on the server. Data type: id_type (common.xsd).


Retrieving information on all APS packages

This packet retrieves information on all APS packages.


Response A

 Positive response received from server can look as follows:


Response B

Such response is received in case when no APS packages are yet on the server:


Retrieving information on particular APS packages

This packet retrieves information on APS packages with IDs 12 and 13.


Such negative response is received if the package with requested ID does not exist:

                <errtext>Package does not exist</errtext>
                <errtext>Package does not exist</errtext>