The get-download-status operation is used to retrieve the status of an application package download task.

The following statuses are possible:

  • "finished/error" - the task did not start because the package is not found in the APS Catalog
  • "finished/package-id" - the task is successfully completed
  • "in-progress/current" - package download task is currently in progress
  • "in-progress" lacking the "current" child node - package download task is not yet started but queued

Request Packet Structure

A request XML package that retrieves the status of an application package download task should include the get-download-status operation node:


The get-download-status node is structured as follows:

image 63521

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all request packets is available here:

  • filter, required

    Filters download tasks which status should be retrieved. Data type: none.

    If it is defined with empty value, than a list of all download tasks within the current download transaction is returned. On Windows, a separate transaction is created for each download task. Download transaction lasts as soon as lasts the download process.

  • task-id, optional

    Specifies the ID of download task (returned as a result of the <download-package> operation). Data type: id_type (common.xsd).

Response Packet Structure

The get-download-status node of the output XML packet is structured as follows:

image 63522

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all response packets is available here:

  • result, required

    Wraps the response retrieved from the server. Data type: resultType (common.xsd).

  • status, required

    Specifies the execution status of the operation. Data type: string. Allowed values: ok | error.

  • errcode, required if the operation fails

    Returns the error code. Data type: integer.

  • errtext, required if the request contained non-empty filter

    Returns the error message. Data type: string.

  • filter-id, required if the operation succeeds

    Returns the ID by which the operation was filtered. Data type: any.

  • id, required if the operation succeeds

    Returns the ID of the download task whose status is retrieved. Data type: id_type (common.xsd)

  • task, optional

    Holds a collection of data describing the download task status. Data type: none.

    Structured as follows:

image 63523

  • id, required

    Returns the ID of the download task whose status is retrieved. Data type: id_type (common.xsd).

  • finished, optional

    Specifies that the download task is finished. Data type: none.

  • in-progress, optional

    Specifies that the download task is in progress, or is placed in the download queue in case several packages are specified for download at a time. Data type: APSPackageDownloadStatusInProgress (aps.xsd).

  • error, optional

    Specifies that the download was finished with error. Contains error description. Data type: none.

  • package-id, required if the package download completed successfully

    Specifies that the download was finished successfully and returns the ID assigned to the package on your server. Data type: id_type (common.xsd).

  • total, required

    Specifies the total application size in bytes. Data type: integer.

  • completed, required

    Specifies the size of the downloaded part, also in bytes. Data type: integer.

  • current, optional

    Specifies that the download task is currently in progress, opposed to the tasks awaiting at the download queue. Data type: string.


Getting status of a particular download task

This packet requests status of download task with ID 18:


Response A

Positive response may look as follows:


Response B

Such response is received in case a download task did not start or finished with errors.

                        <error>Cannot download package from catalog</error>

Response C

Such negative response is received in case a download task with the requested ID does not exist.

                <errtext>Download task with id 18 not found</errtext>

Getting status of all download tasks within a current download transaction

This packet requests status of all download tasks within a current download transaction.


Response A

Such response is received from Linux server where the transaction with tree tasks is run: one task is finished, one is in progress and one is queued.


Response B

Such response is received from Windows server when a transaction is run:


Response C

Such response is received when there is no download transaction running.
