Repair Kit is a tool that can help you automatically fix issues preventing Plesk from operating properly and bring it back online. To access Repair Kit if Plesk is up and running, go to https://<hostname>:8443/repair/ and log in with the Plesk administrator username and password.

Note: Repair Kit works on Windows and on Linux distributions that use the systemd init system (Debian 10, Debian 11, Debian 12, CentOS 7.x, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x/8.x/9.x, Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04, and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for ARM).

You can use Repair Kit even when Plesk is unavailable. Repair Kit is particularly useful in the following cases:

  • You do not have root access to the server.
  • You are unable to determine the root cause of the issue.
  • You do not have the expertise to troubleshoot the issue.

We recommend that you use Repair Kit first before contacting Plesk support.

To use Repair Kit when Plesk is unavailable:

  1. Click Open Repair Kit on the server error page. If no such button is displayed, Repair Kit cannot fix this issue. Use the plesk repair utility or contact Plesk support.
  2. Log in to Repair Kit with the Plesk administrator username and password.
  3. Click Free Up Disk Space, Free Up Memory, and then Restart Processes.
  4. Click Log In to Plesk. If Plesk is still unavailable, return to Repair Kit, and then click Restart the Server.

If Plesk is still unavailable, try using the plesk repair utility or contact Plesk support.